What are you Playing? Jan-2024

New Year, crap weather, and the sorrows of going back to work full time after an always-too-short holiday break. Each year kind of blends together now but at least the games keep changing! Wow! That came off a little bleak! Anyways, here is a list of games that might be on your radar to check out this month... Continue Reading →

The Countdown to Starfield

From this post, we are less than three weeks away from one of Xbox's biggest game releases from Bethesda Studios.  The high level of anticipation can lead some with a more disposable income to start experiencing small pieces of the game already.  The merchandise train is fully underway as some are looking for tangible ways... Continue Reading →

A New Dead Space Era is Upon Us

The mid-year into 2022 is an exciting time for video game enthusiasts, and furthermore, for the dedicated sci-fi survival horror fans that grew fond of the Dead Space franchise. As more details emerge, two very real success stories are originating as we live and breathe. The original Dead Space game will be updated and improved... Continue Reading →

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